Good Eats and Cesar Chavez
Sitting here flipping the pages of the latest issue of Outside, I was caught by surprise. Funny how after three months have passed, I can forget which stories are slated to hit print. This one is about five unsung post-adventure dining spots, from a beachside food truck to a pancake parlor in the mountains. I also have a more serious story in the current issue of National Parks magazine. It’s about the new Cesar Chavez National Monument. Check it out here. What an interesting story to report. I had the opportunity to talk to some accomplished academics, such as Amherst’s Ilan Stavans, about Chavez’s legacy. New evidence suggests that Chavez was a much more complicated man than his myth leads us to believe. He accomplished incredible and indispensable victories in the farm labor movement, but he also struggled with leadership and ethics within his organization. I think that only makes him, and this new monument, more interesting and more important to learn about.