
Is Atypical Anorexia Really Atypical?
A few weeks ago, a story I worked on for six months finally hit print: "'You don't look anorexic.'" It's about the often overlooked, under-diagnosed and under-treated illness of atypical anorexia nervosa. Studies suggest it may actually be three times as common as its more well-known sibling, anorexia nervosa. The only difference is that sufferers are not in emaciated bodies, but they experience the same physical and mental symptoms. I'm still processing all of the remarkable feedback I received, ranging from people sharing their own…
The Darkest Place on Earth
Nearly a year ago, I had the outrageous privilege, thanks to an assignment from Outside magazine, to travel deep into the Arctic during the phenomenon of polar night. In Wiseman, Alaska (population: 12), residents say goodbye to the sun in late November and don't see it again until January 9. For years, I had been curious about the frigid darkness at the end of the earth. And last winter, I got the chance to experience it for myself—on the solstice no less. I won't spoil…
Is This Land Your Land?
Sometimes stories gestate for years before taking form. This one bloomed from deep curiosity rooted in a sense of personal responsibility. I realized that my understanding of the land upon which I live was incomplete and imbalanced. While I of course knew about the people who have lived here since time immemorial and had a schoolbook understanding of the history of European colonization in the region, I didn’t live day-to-day with an embodied knowledge of the ongoing impact of these histories and traumas. I vowed…